A decade of hospitality

Hospitality in its truest sense is one of Bellarmine’s core values, and the campus community is known for the warmth with which it embraces newcomers and visitors. But “if you thought Bellarmine was the epitome of hospitality,” says Camber Sollberger, “you’ve never been to India.”

Camber, a third-year senior from Jeffersonville, Ind., who will graduate in May with a degree in communication, was one of eight students who spent 10 days on an immersive trip to India over Christmas break that was led by Fr. John Pozhathuparambil, a Conventual friar and Bellarmine campus minister from Kerala, and Laura Kremer Kline, assistant director of Campus Ministry. During the annual trip, which will mark its 10th anniversary this year, Bellarmine travelers visit ashrams, churches, temples and mosques; schools and universities; places of lush natural beauty and cities teeming with people.